воскресенье, 27 ноября 2016 г.

Self-evaluation checklist

“Those who know, do. Those that understand, teach.” (Aristotle)

I know how to create and maintain a positive environment.
1. I monitor and modify my approach in response to learner’s feedback, reaction and progress.
2. I know how to arrange classroom furniture to facilitate different types of tasks.
3. I understand and use classroom dynamics effectively to motivate learners.
4. I give clear instructions and explanations.

I understand the concepts involved in motivation and apply my knowledge in teaching.
1. I plan my lessons to reflect different cognitive processes involved in learning.
2. I encourage my learners to reflect on their learning.
3. I encourage my learners to become independent and build learner training and strategies into lessons.

I am familiar with different teaching approaches and I am able to select the most appropriate approach for achieving learning outcomes.
1. I have a range techniques to encourage participation and stimulate discussion.
2. I know how to use a range of resources, materials and technology to create positive learning experiences.
3. I use a range of correction techniques for different types of classroom activities.
4. I use English throughout the lesson.
I am able to plan lessons affectively .
1. I know how to very lesson plan components for different types of lesson objectives.
2. I can design materials and activities that meet my learners’ needs and interests.
3. I know how and where to locate teaching resources.
4. I plan my lessons to ensure balance and variety.

I select the continuing professional development tools relevant for me.
1.  I know how and where to find out about research on teaching and learning.
2. I regularly consult publications, colleagues and research to support my development as a teacher.
3.  I know where to find out about workshops, seminars and conferences relevant to my context.

4. I am familiar with different ways in which I can continue to develop professionally.

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